UPOV - Groupe de travail sur les techniques biochimiques et moléculaires, notamment les profils d'ADN (BMT/16)
Sixteenth Session
7 novembre au 10 novembre 2017 (La Rochelle, France)
Réunions par thème Groupe de travail sur les techniques biochimiques et moléculaires, notamment les profils d'ADN
Documents de réunion
Code | Titre(s) | Fichier(s) |
BMT/16/1 REV. | Revised Draft Agenda | EN EN |
BMT/16/2 | Reports on developments in UPOV concerning biochemical and molecular techniques | EN EN |
BMT/16/3 | International guidelines on molecular methodologies including cooperation between OECD, UPOV, ISTA and ISO | EN EN |
BMT/16/4 | Review of document UPOV/INF/17 “Guidelines for DNA-profiling: Molecular Marker Selection and Database Construction (‘BMT Guidelines’)” | EN EN |
BMT/16/5 | Standards for Databases containing Molecular Information | EN EN |
BMT/16/5 ADD. | Addendum to document BMT/16/5: Standards for databases containing molecular information | EN EN |
BMT/16/6 | Genetic Distance-based Selection of Similar Varieties for Wheat Distinctness Test | EN EN |
BMT/16/7 | Test of the potential use of SNPs markers on oilseed rape varieties | EN EN |
BMT/16/8 | The use of molecular markers (SNP) for maize DUS testing in France (2013 to 2016) | EN EN |
BMT/16/8 ADD. | Addendum to The use of molecular markers (SNP) for maize DUS testing in France (2013 to 2016) | EN EN |
BMT/16/9 REV. | “The use of molecular distance as a characteristic?” Assessment of the reference variety model based on GEVES SNP maize data | EN EN |
BMT/16/10 | The use of molecular markers (SNP) for maize DUS testing: Development and official applications to assess distinctness of hybrids varieties (France) | EN EN |
BMT/16/11 | An attempt to use molecular markers for winter wheat reference collection management | EN EN |
BMT/16/12 | Update on the American Seed Trade Association and United States PVP Office Molecular Marker Working Group | EN EN |
BMT/16/12 ADD. | Addendum to document BMT/16/12: Update on the American Seed Trade Association and United States PVP Office Molecular Marker Working Group | EN EN |
BMT/16/13 | DNA techniques and variety identification – 2017 Evaluation | EN EN |
BMT/16/14 | The use of Reference Variety Similarities in Varietal Distinctness II: Reference Variety Selection | EN EN |
BMT/16/14 ADD. | Addendum to document The use of Reference Variety Similarities in Varietal Distinctness II: Reference Variety Selection | EN EN |
BMT/16/15 REV. | Imoddus proposal: Developing a toolbox to distinguish apple mutants for DUS testing | EN EN |
BMT/16/16 | Assessment of reproducibility of 6K SNP genotyping in soybean across laboratories | EN EN |
BMT/16/17 | Use of GBS for Lucerne Variety Distinction | EN EN |
BMT/16/18 REV. | Assignment Tests for Genotype Classification | EN EN |
BMT/16/19 | Genetic selection of similar varieties for the first growing cycle: example French bean | EN EN |
BMT/16/19 ADD. | Addendum to Genetic selection of similar varieties for the first growing cycle: example French bean | EN EN |
BMT/16/20 | SDN-assisted plant breeding and potential impact on DUS testing | EN EN |
BMT/16/21 | Integration of molecular data into DUS testing in Durum Wheat: Use of a standardized method for the efficient management of reference collections | EN EN |
BMT/16/22 | Report on IMODDUS activities in 2017 | EN EN |
BMT/16/23 | OECD Seed Certification Schemes | EN EN |
BMT/16/24 | Development on Use of Molecular Technique for PVP in Republic of Korea | EN EN |
BMT/16/24 ADD. | Addendum to: Development on Use of Molecular Technique for PVP in Republic of Korea | EN EN |
BMT/16/25 | Determination of purity and quantification of varietal components through NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) | EN EN |
BMT/16/26 | Determining the parameters to characterize Soybean varieties using single nucleotide polymorphisms | EN EN |
BMT/16/27 | The Tomato project in CPVO IMODDUS Program | EN EN |
BMT/16/28 | Confirmation of validation for DNA variety identification technique | EN EN |
BMT/16/29 | Report | EN EN |