UPOV - Working Group on Biochemical and Molecular Techniques and DNA-Profiling in Particular (BMT/17)
Seventeenth Session
10 septembre au 13 septembre 2018 (Montevideo, Uruguay)
Réunions par thème Groupe de travail sur les techniques biochimiques et moléculaires, notamment les profils d'ADN
Documents de réunion
Code | Titre(s) | Fichier(s) |
BMT/17/WORKPLAN | Workplan for the BMT/17 session | EN |
BMT/17/1 REV.2 | Revised draft agenda | EN EN |
BMT/17/2 | Report on developments in UPOV | EN EN |
BMT/17/3 | Cooperation between International Organizations | EN EN |
BMT/17/4 | Preparatory Information | EN EN |
BMT/17/5 | Session to facilitate cooperation in relation to the use of molecular techniques | EN EN |
BMT/17/6 | DNA-based methods for variety testing: ISTA approach | EN EN |
BMT/17/7 | Revision of document TGP/15 “Guidance on the Use of Biochemical and Molecular Markers in the Examination of Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS)” | EN EN |
BMT/17/8 | Test of the potential use of SNPs markers on oilseed rape varieties | EN EN |
BMT/17/8 ADD. | Addendum to Test of the potential use of SNPs markers on oilseed rape varieties | EN EN |
BMT/17/9 | Do new breeding techniques lead to Essentially Derived Varieties? | EN EN |
BMT/17/9 ADD. | Addendum to Do New Breeding Techniques lead to Essentially Derived Varieties? | EN EN |
BMT/17/10 | Review of document UPOV/INF/17 “Guidelines for DNA-Profiling: Molecular marker selection and database construction (“BMT Guidelines”)” | EN EN |
BMT/17/10 ADD. | Addendum to Review of document UPOV/INF/17 “Guidelines for DNA-Profiling: Molecular Marker Selection and Database Construction (‘BMT Guidelines’)” | EN EN |
BMT/17/11 | Construction of a European Potato database with varieties of common knowledge and its implementation in the potato DUS testing system Part I: Construction, maintenance and use of the common database | EN EN |
BMT/17/11 ADD. | Addendum to Construction of a European Potato database with varieties of common knowledge and its implementation in the potato DUS testing system Part I: Construction, maintenance and use of the common database | EN EN |
BMT/17/12 | Construction of a European Potato database with varieties of common knowledge and its implementation in the potato DUS testing system Part II: Generation of molecular data | EN EN |
BMT/17/12 ADD. | ddendum to Construction of a European Potato database with varieties of common knowledge and its implementation in the potato DUS testing system Part II: Generation of molecular data | EN EN |
BMT/17/13 | Implementation of SNP markers to identify soybean varieties commercialized in Uruguay | EN EN |
BMT/17/13 ADD. | Addendum to Implementation of SNP markers to identify soybean varieties commercialized in Uruguay | EN EN |
BMT/17/14 REV. | Use of Molecular marker techniques in DUS testing and enforcement of Breeder’s Right in the Republic of Korea | EN EN |
BMT/17/15 | A DNA database for Rose: Development and validation of a SNP marker set | EN EN |
BMT/17/15 ADD. | Addendum to A DNA database for Rose: Development and validation of a SNP marker set | EN EN |
BMT/17/16 | Corn Hybrid parental identification: The Use of Hybrid Monomorphic Profile compared to Pericarp Genotyping | EN EN |
BMT/17/16 ADD. | Addendum to Corn Hybrid parental identification: The Use of Hybrid Monomorphic Profile compared to Pericarp Genotyping | EN EN |
BMT/17/17 | The United States Molecular Marker Working Group: Background for the use of DNA markers in DUS | EN EN |
BMT/17/17 ADD. | Addendum to The United States Molecular Marker Working Group: Background for the use of DNA markers in DUS | EN EN |
BMT/17/18 | Approaches to variety identification and similarity marker selection in soybeans using SNPS: how few SNPS can do the job? | EN EN |
BMT/17/19 | Presentation of a set of eleven SNPs capable of discriminating eighty soybean varieties from a reference collection | EN EN |
BMT/17/20 | Use of DNA-Based Markers in Testing for Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS) and Enforcement of Plant Breeders Rights (PBR) | EN EN |
BMT/17/21 | Do resistance markers for tomato fulfil the requirements of TGP/15? | EN EN |
BMT/17/22 | Use of SNP markers for soybean variety protection purposes in Argentina | EN EN |
BMT/17/23 | New developments in biochemical and molecular techniques CPVO report on IMODDUS: latest developments | EN EN |
BMT/17/24 | New developments in biochemical and molecular techniques CPVO report on IMODDUS: Update on R&D projects co-funded by CPVO | EN EN |
BMT/17/25 | Report | EN EN |
UPOV/INF/17/2 DRAFT 1 | Guidelines for DNA-Profiling: Molecular marker selection and database construction (“BMT Guidelines”) | EN EN |
Documents TGP
Code | Titre(s) | Fichier(s) |
TGP/15/2 DRAFT 1 | Conseils en ce qui concerne l’utilisation des marqueurs biochimiques et moléculaires dans l’examen de la distinction, de l’homogénéité et de la stabilité (DHS) | EN FR ES DE EN FR ES DE |