UPOV - Working Group on Biochemical and Molecular Techniques and DNA-Profiling in Particular (BMT/18)
Eighteenth Session
16 octobre au 18 octobre 2019 (Hangzhou, Chine)
Réunions par thème Groupe de travail sur les techniques biochimiques et moléculaires, notamment les profils d'ADN
Documents de réunion
Code | Titre(s) | Fichier(s) |
BMT/18/1 REV. | Revised draft agenda | EN EN |
BMT/18/2 | Report on Developments in UPOV concerning Biochemical and Molecular Techniques | EN EN |
BMT/18/3 | DNA-based methods for variety testing: ISTA approach | EN EN |
BMT/18/4 | Cooperation between international organizations | EN EN |
BMT/18/5 | Session to facilitate cooperation | EN EN |
BMT/18/5 ADD. | Addendum to session to facilitate cooperation | EN EN |
BMT/18/6 REV. | Advances in the construction and application of DNA fingerprint database in Maize | EN EN |
BMT/18/7 | Revision of document TGP/15 “Guidance on the use of biochemical and molecular markers in the examination of Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS)” | EN EN |
BMT/18/8 | Facilitating Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability Testing of Soybean varieties: Development and validation of molecular marker and variety sampling methodologies | EN EN |
BMT/18/9 | Facilitating Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability Testing of Soybean varieties: Establishing criteria for the use of single nucleotide polymorphism data | EN EN |
BMT/18/10 | Review of document UPOV/INF/17 “Guidelines for DNA-Profiling: Molecular Marker Selection and Database Construction (‘BMT Guidelines’)”. | EN EN |
BMT/18/11 | Report on developments of a software tool for marker selection using the Traveling Salesman Algorithm | EN EN |
BMT/18/11 ADD. | Addendum to report on developments of a software tool for marker selection using the traveling salesman algorithm” | EN EN |
BMT/18/12 | Next generation variety testing for improved cropping on European farmland (InnoVar) | EN EN |
BMT/18/12 ADD. | Addendum to next generation variety testing for improved cropping on European farmland (InnoVar) | EN EN |
BMT/18/13 | Horizontal methods for molecular biomarker analysis | EN EN |
BMT/18/14 REV. | CPVO Report on IMODDUS: Latest developments (INVITE) and update on R&D projects | EN EN |
BMT/18/15 REV. | Application of MNP marker in plant variety protection | EN EN |
BMT/18/16 | A simple SSR based identification system for sweet potato | EN EN |
BMT/18/16 ADD. | Addendum to a simple SSR based identification system for sweet potato | EN EN |
BMT/18/17 | Use of molecular markers for protection and varietal identification: State of the art in Argentina | EN EN |
BMT/18/17 ADD. | Addendum to use of molecular markers for protection and varietal identification: state of the art in Argentina | EN EN |
BMT/18/18 | What information is essential for ‘character specific molecular markers’ in Test Guidelines | EN EN |
BMT/18/19 | Development and application of identification of soybean varieties – SSR marker method | EN EN |
BMT/18/20 | OECD Seed Schemes an international seed varietal certification system | EN EN |
BMT/18/21 | Report | EN EN |
Documents d'information
Code | Titre(s) | Fichier(s) |
UPOV/INF/17/2 DRAFT 2 | Guidelines for DNA-Profiling: Molecular marker selection and database construction (“BMT Guidelines”) | EN EN |