Groupe de travail technique sur les plantes agricoles (TWA/53)

Cinquante-troisième session

27 mai au 30 mai 2024 (réunion virtuelle)

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Documents de réunion

TWA/53 WORKPLANWorkplan for the TWA/53 sessionpdf EN 
TWA/53/1 REV.Revised draft agendapdf EN 
doc EN 
TWA/53/2Reports on Developments in Plant Variety Protection from Members and Observerspdf EN 
doc EN 
TWA/53/5 ADD. REV.Revised addendum to: Developing new characteristics for Barley variety examinationpdf EN 
TWA/53/3Image analysis and new technologies in DUS examinationpdf EN 
TWV/58/4-TWA/53/4Partial revision of the Test Guidelines for Maizepdf EN 
doc EN 
TWA/53/5Developing new characteristics for Barley variety examinationpdf EN 
TWA/53/6Comments on guidance and information materialspdf EN 
doc EN 
TWA/53/7DUS tests: one site in two years versus two sites in one yearpdf EN 
TWA/53/8Proposal for a revision of document TGP/7 “Development of test guidelines”, GN 28 – Example varietiespdf EN 
doc EN 
TWP/8/1Development of guidance and information materialspdf EN 
doc EN 
TWP/8/2Report on developments in UPOV - Matters for informationpdf EN 
doc EN 
TWP/8/3Implementation of Purdy’s notation for pedigrees in UPOV PRISMApdf EN 
TWA/53/9Reportpdf EN 
doc EN 

Principes directeurs d'examen

TG/VIGNA_RAD(PROJ.2)Mung Bean (Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek) (New)pdf EN 
doc EN 
TG/ZOYSI(PROJ.5)Zoysia Grasses (Zoysia Willd.) (New)pdf EN 
doc EN 
TG/30/7(PROJ.1)Bent (Agrostis caninaL.; Agrostis capillaris L.; Agrostis gigantea Roth; Agrostis stolonifera L.) (Revision)pdf EN 
doc EN 
TG/150/4(PROJ.2)Fodder Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) (Revision)pdf EN 
doc EN 
TG/186/2(PROJ.5)Sugarcane (Saccharum L.) (Revision)pdf EN 
doc EN 
TG/243/2(PROJ.1)Festololium (× Festulolium Asch. et Graebn.) (Revision)pdf EN 
doc EN 
TG/247/2(PROJ.1)Grain Amaranth (Amaranthus L.) (Revision)pdf EN 
doc EN 
TG/276/2(PROJ.3)Cannabis, Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) (Revision)pdf EN 
doc EN 

Documents de référence

TGP/5: SECTION 6/4UPOV Report on Technical Examination and UPOV Variety Descriptionpdf EN 
doc EN 
UPOV/EXN/DEN/3Explanatory Notes on Variety Denominations under the UPOV Conventionpdf EN