Groupe de travail technique sur les méthodes et techniques d’essai (TWM/2)

Deuxième session

8 avril au 11 avril 2024 (réunion virtuelle)

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Documents de réunion

TWM/2 WORKPLANWorkplan for the TWM/2 sessionpdf EN 
TWM/2/1 REV.2Revised draft agendapdf EN 
doc EN 
TWM/2/2Reports from members and observerspdf EN 
doc EN 
TWM/2/3The Combined-Over-Years Uniformity Criterion (COYU)pdf EN 
doc EN 
TWM/2/3 ADD.Addendum to: The Combined-Over-Years Uniformity Criterion (COYU)pdf EN 
TWM/2/4Reference collection management using molecular markers: a new approach based on genomic predictionpdf EN 
doc EN 
TWM/2/4 ADD.Addendum to: Reference collection management using molecular markers: a new approach based on genomic predictionpdf EN 
TWM/2/5Uniformity assessment using molecular markerspdf EN 
doc EN 
TWM/2/5 ADD.Addendum to: Uniformity assessment using molecular markerspdf EN 
TWM/2/6Molecular approaches to support DUS testingpdf EN 
doc EN 
TWM/2/6 ADD.Addendum to: Molecular approaches to support DUS testingpdf EN 
TWM/2/7Confidentiality of Molecular Informationpdf EN 
TWM/2/8UAV-Based Field Phenotyping in United Kingdom Agricultural DUS testingpdf EN 
TWM/2/9Use of Artificial Intelligence – based Markers for Variety Traceabilitypdf EN 
TWM/2/10A method for calibration of size and color used in image analysispdf EN 
TWM/2/11A Statistical Analysis Software used for DUS testing of Plant Variety (DUSCEL4.0)pdf EN 
TWM/2/12CPVO R&D activitiespdf EN 
TWM/2/13Application of Imaging Analysis on DUS Testpdf EN 
TWM/2/14LociScan, a tool for screening genetic marker combinations for plant variety discriminationpdf EN 
TWM/2/15 REV.WIPO Standard ST.26 and Patent Sequence Datapdf EN 
TWM/2/16Maize6H-60K: A genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism array and its applicationpdf EN 
TWM/2/17Guidelines for the validation of a new characteristic-specific molecular marker protocol for DUS studies as an alternative method for observationpdf EN 
doc EN 
TWM/2/18ISTA report on the use of techniques for variety identification and verificationpdf EN 
TWM/2/19OECD Seed Schemes: Latest developments in the application of BMT under the OECD Seed Schemespdf EN 
TWM/2/20Comparison of software for COYDpdf EN 
TWP/8/1Development of guidance and information materialspdf EN 
doc EN 
TWP/8/2Report on developments in UPOV - Matters for informationpdf EN 
doc EN 
TWP/8/3Implementation of Purdy’s notation for pedigrees in UPOV PRISMApdf EN 
TWM/2/21Reportpdf EN 
doc EN 

Documents de référence

TGP/5: SECTION 6/4UPOV Report on Technical Examination and UPOV Variety Descriptionpdf EN 
doc EN 
UPOV/EXN/DEN/3Explanatory Notes on Variety Denominations under the UPOV Conventionpdf EN