Committee of Experts on the Interpretation and Revision of the Convention (UPOV/IRC/V)

March 8 to March 10, 1977 (Geneva, Switzerland)

Meetings by Topic next Currently inactive


Meeting Documents

UPOV/IRC/V/1 REVDraft agendapdf EN  FR  DE 
UPOV/IRC/V/2Proposals for the revision of the conventionpdf EN  FR  DE 
UPOV/IRC/V/3Proposals for the revision of the general treaty law provisions and of two transitional provisions of the conventionpdf EN  FR  DE 
UPOV/IRC/V/4Drafting proposals concerning the authentic French text and the official English and German translations of the UPOV conventionpdf EN  FR  DE 
UPOV/IRC/V/5Organizational questions for the diplomatic conference, including its rules of procedure and certain final clauses of the proposed new actpdf EN  FR  DE 
UPOV/IRC/V/6Comments of participants - comments of the delegation of the Netherlandspdf EN  FR  DE 
UPOV/IRC/V/7Comments of participants - observations of the delegation of the United States of Americapdf EN  FR  DE 
UPOV/IRC/V/8Comments of participants - proposals by ASSINSELpdf EN  FR  DE 
UPOV/IRC/V/9Comments of participants - proposals of AIPHpdf EN  FR  DE 
UPOV/IRC/V/10comments of participants comments of FISpdf EN  FR 
UPOV/IRC/V/11List of participantspdf EN  FR  DE 
UPOV/IRC/V/12Summary of the results of the discussions with observer delegations representing non-member states and international non-governmental organizationspdf EN  FR  DE 
UPOV/IRC/V/13Preliminary draft report (first part: discussions in the presence of observer delegations)pdf EN  FR  DE 
UPOV/IRC/V/14Draft report(second part: discussions in the absence of observer delegations)pdf EN  FR  DE 
UPOV/IRC/V/15Draft report (First Part: Discussions in the Presence of Observer Delegations)pdf EN  FR  DE 
UPOV/IRC/V/16Report(second part: discussions in the absence of observer delegations)pdf EN  FR  DE