Committee of Experts on the Interpretation and Revision of the Convention (UPOV/IRC/VI)
September 20 to September 23, 1977 (Geneva, Switzerland)
Meetings by Topic Currently inactive bodies
Meeting Documents
Code | Title(s) | File(s) |
UPOV/IRC/VI/1 | Draft agenda | EN FR DE |
UPOV/IRC/VI/1 REV | Draft agenda | EN FR DE |
UPOV/IRC/VI/2 | Proposals concerning articles 1 to 14, 34a, 35, 36 and 36a | EN FR DE |
UPOV/IRC/VI/2 CORR | Corrigendum to document IRC/VI/2 | EN |
UPOV/IRC/VI/2 REV | Vorschläge zu den Artikeln 1 bis 14, 34a, 35, 36 und 36a | |
UPOV/IRC/VI/3 | Proposals concerning articles 15 to 32, 32a, 32b, 33, 34, 37 to 41 | EN FR DE |
UPOV/IRC/VI/4 | Draft provisional rules of procedure of the diplomatic conference | EN FR DE |
UPOV/IRC/VI/5 | Provisional agenda of the diplomatic conference on the revision of the UPOV convention | EN FR DE |
UPOV/IRC/VI/6 | Draft notes and letters of invitation to the diplomatic conference on the revision of the UPOV Convention | EN FR DE |
UPOV/IRC/VI/7 | Addendum to document IRC/VI/3 | EN FR DE |
UPOV/IRC/VI/8 | Addendum to documents IRC/VI/3 and IRC/VI/7 | EN FR DE |
UPOV/IRC/VI/9 | Article 3(3) | EN FR DE |
UPOV/IRC/VI/10 | Articles 1 to 5 and 7 | EN FR DE |
UPOV/IRC/VI/11 | Article 6 (1) (b) | EN FR DE |
UPOV/IRC/VI/12 | Articles 6 to 12, 14 to 20 and 22 | EN FR DE |
UPOV/IRC/VI/14 | Legal status | EN FR DE |
UPOV/IRC/VI/16 | Article 26 | EN FR DE |
UPOV/IRC/VI/18 | Article 26 | EN FR DE |
UPOV/IRC/VI/19 | Draft revised convention | EN FR DE |
UPOV/IRC/VI/20 | Article 32 | EN FR DE |
UPOV/IRC/VI/21 | Draft report | EN FR DE |