Seminar on the interaction between plant variety protection and the use of plant breeding technologies (UPOV/SEM/GE/23)

March 22, 2023 (Geneva, Switzerland)

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UPOV/PUB/365Seminar on the interaction between plant variety protection and the use of plant breeding technologiespdf EN  FR  ES  DE 

Meeting Documents

UPOV/SEM/GE/23/1 PROV.Draft programpdf EN  FR  ES  DE 
doc EN  FR  ES  DE 


UPOV/SEM/GE/23/BIO/1Mr. Chen Shaojiang, Professor, Department of Genetics and Breeding, China Agricultural University, Chinapdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/BIO/2Mr. Michiel van Lookeren Campagne, Honorary Fellow, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australiapdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/BIO/3Mr. Doron Holland, Newe Yaar Research Center (Agricultural Research Organization), Ramat Yishay, Israelpdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/BIO/4Ms. Zelda Bijzet, Research Team Manager: Crop Development, Agricultural Research Council, South Africapdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/BIO/5Mr. Germán Serino, Director, Chacra Experimental Agrícola Santa Rosa, Argentinapdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/BIO/6Mr. Marcelo Daniel Labarta, Technology Transfer Office, National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), Buenos Aires, Argentinapdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/BIO/7Mr. Muath Alsheikh, Head of Research and Development, Graminor AS, Norwaypdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/BIO/8Mr. Bo Gertsson, Group Manager Product Development Plant breeding, Lantmännen lantbruk, Stockholm, Swedenpdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/BIO/9Mr. Arend van Peer, Team Leader Mushroom Research, University of Wageningen, Netherlandspdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/BIO/10Ms. Heidi Nebel, Managing Partner and Chair of the Chemical and Biotechnology Practice Group at McKee, Voorhees & Sease PLC, Des Moines, United States of Americapdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/BIO/11Mr. Ricardo López de Haro y Wood, PBR Advisor, Madrid, Spainpdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/BIO/12Mr. Michael Kock, Senior Vice President, Innovation Catalyst, Inari Agriculture Inc., Cambridge, United States of Americapdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/BIO/13Mr. Huib Ghijsen, Juridical Counsellor Plant Breeder's Rights / Director "RechtvoorU", Middleburg, Netherlands, on behalf of AIPHpdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/BIO/14Ms. Yolanda Huerta, Legal Counsel and Director of Training and Assistance, UPOVpdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/BIO/15Mr. Gert Würtenberger, Chairman of the GRUR Expert Committee on the Protection of Plant Varieties (Vorsitzender des GRUR Ausschusses für den Schutz von Pflanzenzüchtungen) and Lawyer, Meissner Bolte, Munich, Germanypdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/BIO/16Ms. Erin Wallich, Intellectual Property Manager, Summerland Varieties Corporation, Summerland, Canada, on behalf of ISF, CropLife International, CIOPORA, APSA, AFSTA, SAA and Euroseedspdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/BIO/17Mr. Christian Huyghe, Scientific Director for Agriculture, National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE); Chair of the scientific committee of the CTPS (French committee for variety registration and seed certification), Francepdf EN 


UPOV/SEM/GE/23/PPT/1Induction Gene-based DH Breeding for Multicrops
Prepared by: Mr. Chen Shaojiang, Professor, Department of Genetics and Breeding, China Agricultural University, China
pdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/PPT/2Integration of new breeding technologies (NBTs) into variety breeding: how to find the right balance for incentivising innovators?
Prepared by: Mr. Michiel van Lookeren Campagne, Honorary Fellow, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia
pdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/PPT/3Improvement of new fruit tree cultivars and usage of genetic markers for characterization and maintenance of plant breeders' rights
Prepared by: Mr. Doron Holland, Newe Yaar Research Center (Agricultural Research Organization), Ramat Yishay, Israel
pdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/PPT/4Natural and induced mutations secured by clonal propagation: impact and implications
Prepared by: Ms. Zelda Bijzet, Research Team Manager: Crop Development, Agricultural Research Council, South Africa
pdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/PPT/5Breeding and biotechnology in Argentina: a sugarcane genetics perspective
Prepared by: Mr. Germán Serino, Director, Chacra Experimental Agrícola Santa Rosa, Argentina
pdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/PPT/6New breeding techniques: public research institute perspective
Prepared by: Mr. Marcelo Daniel Labarta, Technology Transfer Office, National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), Buenos Aires, Argentina
pdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/PPT/7The importance of public-private collaboration to enhance application of biotechnology in plant breeding
Prepared by: Mr. Muath Alsheikh, Head of Research and Development, Graminor AS, Norway
pdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/PPT/8How to balance PBR and patents in breeding programs: Lantmännen (farming cooperative) perspective
Prepared by: Mr. Bo Gertsson, Group Manager Product Development Plant breeding, Lantmännen lantbruk, Stockholm, Sweden
pdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/PPT/9What if your crop abundantly produces EDVs by itself
Prepared by: Mr. Arend van Peer, Team Leader Mushroom Research, University of Wageningen, Netherlands
pdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/PPT/10Intellectual property and legal perspective on new technologies and variety development
Prepared by: Ms. Heidi Nebel, Managing Partner and Chair of the Chemical and Biotechnology Practice Group at McKee, Voorhees & Sease PLC, Des Moines, United States of America
pdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/PPT/11Plant variety protection according to the 1991 UPOV Convention and new plant breeding technologies
Prepared by: Mr. Ricardo López de Haro y Wood, PBR Advisor, Madrid, Spain
pdf EN  ES 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/PPT/12Role of plant breeders rights and other forms of IP in promoting plant breeding
Prepared by: Mr. Michael Kock, Senior Vice President, Innovation Catalyst, Inari Agriculture Inc., Cambridge, United States of America
pdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/PPT/13Origin and goal of the EDV principle in UPOV and its importance in the use of new breeding technologies
Prepared by: Mr. Huib Ghijsen, Juridical Counsellor Plant Breeder's Rights / Director "RechtvoorU", Middleburg, Netherlands, on behalf of AIPH
pdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/PPT/14Setting the scene
Prepared by: Ms. Yolanda Huerta, Legal Counsel and Director of Training and Assistance, UPOV
pdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/PPT/15Role and importance of phenotype/genotype for the granting of PVP and EDV-status
Prepared by: Mr. Gert Würtenberger, Chairman of the GRUR Expert Committee on the Protection of Plant Varieties (Vorsitzender des GRUR Ausschusses für den Schutz von Pflanzenzüchtungen) and Lawyer, Meissner Bolte, Munich, Germany
pdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/PPT/16Breeders’ view on essentially derived varieties
Prepared by: Ms. Erin Wallich, Intellectual Property Manager, Summerland Varieties Corporation, Summerland, Canada, on behalf of ISF, CropLife International, CIOPORA, APSA, AFSTA, SAA and Euroseeds
pdf EN 
UPOV/SEM/GE/23/PPT/17Diversity of breeding technologies and impact for plant variety protection
Prepared by: Mr. Christian Huyghe, Scientific Director for Agriculture, National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE); Chair of the scientific committee of the CTPS (French committee for variety registration and seed certification), France
pdf EN