UPOV International Certificate on
Plant Variety Protection
(UPOV PVP Certificate)

Join the UPOV PVP Certificate program to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in plant variety protection!

UPOV has launched the UPOV PVP Certificate program to promote the acquisition of knowledge and recognition of expertise, as well as opportunities for continuous learning on PVP matters.

Why apply for the UPOV PVP Certificate?

The UPOV PVP Certificate provides international recognition of your knowledge and expertise in PVP matters. Holders of the UPOV PVP Certificate demonstrate to have followed a certain number of courses and contributed to activities concerning the UPOV Convention and its guidance, operation of a PVP Office and examination of applications, including DUS examination.

Whether you are currently undergoing or planning to undergo PVP training, you can benefit from joining the UPOV PVP Certificate program through continuous learning opportunities, connecting with your peers and creating expert networks.

Your participation in the UPOV PVP Certificate program fosters PVP knowledge dissemination throughout the UPOV community!

Who can apply?

Participation to the UPOV PVP Certificate program is open for government officials from UPOV members and observers (see list of UPOV members and observers).

Participants from the private sector will be welcome, subject to fee payment, in the next release of the program planned for 2025.

How does it work?

The UPOV PVP Certificate will be awarded for persons that acquire at least 50 credits from UPOV-endorsed training.

The list of endorsed training of the UPOV PVP Certificate program with number of credits is provided at the bottom of this page. At least 25 credits should be obtained from training courses, in Category 1 of the list.

The UPOV PVP Certificate will be valid for a period of five years. It can be extended for equal periods of time once the Certificate holder earns another 15 credits within five-year’s time.

Are you providing training on plant variety protection? Join the UPOV PVP Certificate program!

The UPOV PVP Certificate program was established to support UPOV members providing training on plant variety protection. If you are an authority, organization or academic entity in a UPOV member providing training on plant variety protection, you are invited to propose its inclusion in the UPOV PVP Certificate program.

Please contact the UPOV Office for further information at upov.mail@upov.int.

List of courses and activities of the UPOV PVP Certificate program


  • Your participation will be counted only once for any of the courses, activities or meetings in the list.
  • Your participation at one or several editions of the same UPOV meeting will entitle you to the same number of credits (e.g. one TWA = 10 credits; five TWA = 10 credits).
  • At least 25 credits should be obtained from the courses and activities provided in Category 1 of the list.
  • Credits acquired from attendance to UPOV meetings in Category 2 of the list will only be considered up to 25 credits.

Training categories

Number of credits

Category 1 - Courses an activities (counted once per course or activity)

DL-205 "Introduction to the UPOV System of Plant Variety Protection under the UPOV Convention"


DL-305 "Examination of applications for plant breeders' rights"


DL-305A "Administration of Plant Breeders' Rights"


DL-305B "DUS Examination"


UPOV Train the Trainer / UPOV Executive Program


UPOV Workshop for Laws


UPOV Chairperson (C, CC, CAJ, TC, TWP)


UPOV Test Guidelines leading expert


Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) “Training Course on the Protection of Plant Breeders’ Rights”


Korean Seed & Variety Service (KSVS) / Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) “Training Course on Plant Variety Protection”


Naktuinbouw (Netherlands) “Course on Plant breeders' rights for food security and economic development”


WIPO DL-101 (PVP module 10)


Study visits to PVP offices of UPOV members (1 to 3 days)


Study visits to the UPOV office (1 to 3 days)


Study visits and internships at PVP offices of UPOV members (up to three weeks)


Internships at PVP offices of UPOV members (four weeks or more)


Tutoring in UPOV Distance Learning courses



Category 2 - UPOV meetings (maximum 25 credits, counted once per meeting)


TWA (Technical Working Party for Agricultural Crops)


TWC (to 2021) (Technical Working Party on Automation and Computer Programs)


TWF (Technical Working Party for Fruit Crops)


TWM (Technical Working Party on Testing Methods and Techniques)


TWO (Technical Working Party for Ornamental Plants and Forest Trees)


TWV (Technical Working Party for Vegetables)


BMT (to 2021) (Working Group on Biochemical and Molecular Techniques, and DNA-Profiling in Particular)


UPOV Techical Working Parties Preparatory workshops


UPOV Technical Working Parties Preparatory Webinars


WG-DUS (Working Group on DUS Support)


WG-EDV (Working Group on Essentially Derived Varieties)


WG-HRV (Working Group on harvested Material and Unauthorized use of Propagating Material)


WG-SHF (Working Group on Guidance concerning Smallholder Farmers in relation to private and non-commercial use)


CC/WG-EDV (Consultative Committee Working Group on Essentially Derived Varieties)


How to request a UPOV PVP Certificate?

Please fill out the form and provide information on training you have completed to request your UPOV PVP Certificate.


Please contact the UPOV Office if you have any questions at upov.mail@upov.int