Report by the President on the work of the ninetieth session of the Consultative Committee; adoption of recommendations, if any, prepared by that Committee

Document CodeC/49/16
Meeting CodeC/49
Publication DateOctober 29, 2015


English Report by the President on the work of the ninetieth session of the Consultative Committee; adoption of recommendations, if any, prepared by that Committee
Complete documentReport by the President on the work of the ninetieth session of the Consultative Committee; adoption of recommendations, if any, prepared by that Committee, Complete document (docx)55 KB
Complete documentReport by the President on the work of the ninetieth session of the Consultative Committee; adoption of recommendations, if any, prepared by that Committee, Complete document (pdf)161 KB
French Rapport de la présidente sur les travaux de la quatre-vingt-dixième session du Comité consultatif; adoption, le cas échéant, des recommandations élaborées par ce comité
Spanish Informe de la Presidenta sobre los trabajos de la nonagésima sesión del Comité Consultivo; aprobación, si procede, de las recomendaciones preparadas por dicho Comité
German Bericht der Präsidentin über die Arbeiten der neunzigsten Tagung des Beratenden Ausschusses; gegebenenfalls Annahme von Empfehlungen, die dieser Ausschuß ausgearbeitet hat