UPOV - Technical Working Party for Ornamental Plants and Forest Trees (TWO/45)

Forty-Fifth Session

6. August bis 10. August 2012 (Jeju, Republik Korea)

Sitzungen nach Kategorie next Technische Arbeitsgruppe für Zierpflanzen und forstliche Baumarten

TWO/44 >> TWO/45 >> TWO/46


TWO/45/1 REV.2Revised Draft Agendapdf EN 
doc EN 
TWO/45/2Molecular Techniquespdf EN 
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TWO/45/3TGP Documentspdf EN 
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TWO/45/3 ANNEXTGP Documents, Annexxls EN 
TWO/45/4Variety Denominationspdf EN 
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TWO/45/5UPOV Information Databasespdf EN 
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TWO/45/5 ANNEX VAnnex V to document “UPOV Information Databases”: Codes to be checkedxls EN 
TWO/45/6Variety Description Databasespdf EN 
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TWO/45/6 ANNEXVariety Description Databases, Annexxls EN 
TWO/45/6 ADD.Addendum to Document "Variety Description Databases"pdf EN 
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TWO/45/7Exchangeable Softwarepdf EN 
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TWO/45/8Electronic Application Systemspdf EN 
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TWO/45/9Summary of Assessing Uniformity by Off-Types on the Basis of More than One Sample or Sub-Samplepdf EN 
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TWO/45/10Method of Calculation of COYUpdf EN 
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TWO/45/11Summary of Proposed Revisions for Document TGP/7 "Development of Test Guidelines"pdf EN 
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TWO/45/12Revision of Document TGP/7: Guidance on the Number of Plants to be Examined (for Distinctness)pdf EN 
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TWO/45/13Revision of Document TGP/7: Guidance for Method of Observationpdf EN 
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TWO/45/14Revision of Document TGP/7: Example Varietiespdf EN 
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TWO/45/14 ADD.Addendum to Document "Revision of Document TGP/7: Example Varieties"pdf EN 
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TWO/45/15Revision of Document TGP/7: Guidance for Providing Photographs with the Technical Questionnairepdf EN 
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TWO/45/16Revision of Document TGP/8: Part I: DUS Trial Design and Data Analysis - New Section 2 – Data to be Recordedpdf EN 
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TWO/45/17Revision of Document TGP/8: Part II: Techniques Used in DUS Examination - New Section: Guidance of Data Analysis for Blind Randomized Trialspdf EN 
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TWO/45/18Revision of Document TGP/8: Part II: Techniques Used in DUS Examination - New Section: Guidance for Development of Variety Descriptionspdf EN 
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TWO/45/19Webcasting of UPOV Sessionspdf EN 
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TWO/45/20Revision of Document TGP/8: Part II: Techniques Used in DUS Examination - Section 3, Subsection 3.6 - Adapting COYD to Special Circumstancespdf EN 
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TWO/45/21Revision of Document TGP/8: Part I: DUS Trial Design and Data Analysis - New Section - Reduction of Size of the Trialspdf EN 
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TWO/45/22Revision of Document TGP/8: Part II: Techniques Used in DUS Examination - New Section 4- 2X1% Method - Minimum Number of Degrees of Freedom for the 2x1% Methodpdf EN 
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TWO/45/23Revision of Document TGP/8: Part II: Techniques Used in DUS Examination - Section 3: The Combined-Over-Years Criteria for Distinctness (COYD)pdf EN 
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TWO/45/24Revision of Document TGP/8: Part I: DUS Trial Design and Data Analysis - New Section: Minimizing the Variation due to Different Observerspdf EN 
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TWO/45/25Revision of Document TGP/14: Section 2: Botanical Terms: Subsection 3: Colorpdf EN 
TWO/45/26Revision of Document TGP/8: Part II: Techniques Used in DUS Examination - New Section 10 - Minimum number of Comparable Varieties for the Relative Variance Methodpdf EN 
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TWO/45/27Revision of Document TGP/14: Section 2: Botanical Terms, Subsection 2: Shapes and Structurespdf EN 
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TWO/45/28Revision of Document TGP/8: Part II: Techniques Used in DUS Examination - New Section 11 - Examining DUS in Bulk Samples pdf EN 
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TWO/45/29Revision of Document TGP/8: Part II: Techniques Used in DUS Examination - New Section: Statistical Methods for Visually Observed Characteristicspdf EN 
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TWO/45/30Revision of Document TGP/8: Part II: Techniques Used in DUS Examination - New Section 13: Methods for Data Processing for the Assessment of Distinctness and for Producing Variety Descriptionspdf EN 
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TWO/45/30 ADD.Transformation of Measurements into Notes for Variety Descriptions: Summary of Different Approachespdf EN 
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TWO/45/31Proposal for a Partial Revision of the Test Guidelines for African Lily (Document TG/266/1)pdf EN 
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TWO/45/32 REV.Comments by the Technical Working Party for Agricultural Crops, Technical Working Party for Vegetables, Technical Working Party on Automation and Computer Programs and Technical Working Party for Fruit Crops on TGP Documentspdf EN 
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TWO/45/33"Report on Developments within UPOV" and "Web Based TG Template"pdf EN 
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TWO/45/34Matters to be Resolved Concerning Test Guidelines Considered by the Technical Committee: Test Guidelines for Tree Paeonypdf EN 
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TWO/45/35Matters to be Resolved Concerning Test Guidelines Considered by the Technical Committee: Test Guidelines for Camelliapdf EN 
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TWO/45/37Reportpdf EN 
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TC/48/14Prüfung der Homogenität anhand von Abweichern aufgrund von mehr als einer Probe oder Unterprobepdf EN  FR  ES  DE 
doc EN  FR  ES  DE 


TG/25/9(PROJ.5)Dianthus (Dianthus L.) (Revision)pdf EN 
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TG/108/4(PROJ.6)Gladiolus (Gladiolus L.) (Revision)pdf EN 
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TG/176/5(PROJ.2)Osteospermum (Revision)pdf EN 
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TG/213/2(PROJ.5)Phalaenopsis (Phalaenopsis Blume) (Revision)pdf EN 
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TG/AGLAO(PROJ.2)Aglaonema (Aglaonema Schott)pdf EN 
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TG/CALSP(PROJ.1)China Aster (Callistephus chinensis (L.) Neespdf EN 
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TG/CAMEL(PROJ.4)Kamelie (Camellia L.)pdf EN  FR  ES  DE 
TG/CAMPA(PROJ.2)Campanula (Campanula L.)pdf EN 
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TG/COSMOS(PROJ.4)Cosmos (Cosmos Cav.)pdf EN 
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TG/DIANE(PROJ.3)Dianella (Dianella Lam. ex Juss.)pdf EN 
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TG/EUCAL(PROJ.8)Eucalyptus L'Hér (Symphyomyrtus (Transversaria, Maidenaria, Exsertaria))pdf EN 
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TG/HEBE(PROJ.3)Hebe (Hebe Comm. ex Juss.)pdf EN 
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TG/HOSTA(PROJ.6)Hosta (Hosta Tratt.)pdf EN 
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TG/LILAC(PROJ.3)Lilac (Syringa L.)pdf EN 
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TG/LOBEL(PROJ.2)Lobelia (Lobelia erinus L.)pdf EN 
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TG/LOMAN(PROJ.3)Lomandra (Lomandra Labill.)pdf EN 
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TG/MANDE(PROJ.4)Mandevillapdf EN 
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TG/PAEON(PROJ.6)Strauchpäoniepdf EN  FR  ES  DE 
doc EN  FR  ES  DE 
TG/ZINNIA(PROJ.2)Zinnia (Zinnia L.)pdf EN 
doc EN 


TG/266/1African Lily (Agapanthus L'Hér.)pdf EN 
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