Web Services

In addition to the UPOV PRISMA Web application, UPOV provides system-to-system communication tools in the form of "Web Services". The UPOV PRISMA web services offer the possibility to import and export application data automatically. Those services are intended for:

  • Breeders: "Import" web service allows the submission of multiple application data at the same time . It is also called "Bulk Upload". The applicant still need to connect to the UPOV PRISMA web application in order to pay the UPOV PRISMA charge and application fees if appropriate.
  • PVP Offices: "Export" web service allows the retrieval of submitted application data. The exchanged data with PVP Offices can be in two different formats: PDF and XML

XML Application Data is composed of:

  • XML Application Form: should be valid against Application Form schema
  • XML Technical Questionnaire: for each crop, a technical questionnaire schema is defined.
  • Attachments if any: the accepted formats are: PDF, JPG and PNG


The UPOV PRISMA web services can be only accessible if the caller is authenticated and authorized.


A valid WIPO account is a prerequisite to call UPOV PRISMA web services. You can create a wipo account at: https://www3.wipo.int/wipoaccounts/en/usercenter/public/register.jsf


This is managed at the application level. The authenticated user should have the adequate permissions to access application data. For example, applications submitted to a PVP office should only be accessible to users working in that PVP office with appropriate roles.